Navtec A260 Cylinder Breakdown

A260 Breakdown Dealers
Piston Lock Pin Piston Bearing Piston Bearing Stop Bushing, Light Cylinder Gland Backup, Light Cylinder Gland, Light Cylinder Tube, Light Cylinder Piston, Light Cylinder Clevis, Light Cylinder Piston Rod Mechanical Lock Cylinder Cap, Mechanical Lock Extension Tube, Mechanical Lock Nose, Mechanical Lock Nose Bearing, Mechanical Lock Extension Tube Cap, Mechanical Lock Clevis Pin Cotter Pin 1/8″ NPT x 1/4″ JIC Short Elbow, SS Air Valve Ass’y w/ Cap, -6 through -30 10-32 x 1/4″ Cup Point Socket Set Screw SS 10-32 x 1/4″ Cup Point Socket Set Screw SS Rod Seal O-Ring O-Ring O-Ring Backup O-Ring Backup Piston Seal Rod Wiper Cylinder Cap, Mechanical Lock

Cotter Pin



O-Ring Backup

O-Ring Backup

Standard (A260-SE) and Long (A260-LE) Mechanical Lock Cylinders of a specific Size use all the same components except for the Tubes and Piston Rod.
Seal Kits for A260 Cylinders are the same as for A250 Cylinders.
* Included in Seal Kit

Item #Part #DescriptionQty
A260-xx-xxxA260 Cylinders1
A250-CSK-xxxSeal Kit ** – Seal Kits for A260 Cylinders are the same as for A250 Cylinders1
3A251-08-xxxPiston Lock Pin1
4A251-12-xxxPiston Bearing2*
5A251-22CxxxStop Bushing, Light Cylinder1
6A251-24CxxxGland Backup, Light Cylinder1
7A251-25CxxxGland, Light Cylinder1
8A251-26-xxxTube, Light Cylinder, Standard SE & LE1
9A251-29-xxxPiston, Light Cylinder1
10A251-30-xxxClevis, Light Cylinder1
11A259-11xxxxPiston Rod Mechanical Lock1
12A259-12-xxxCylinder Cap, Mechanical Lock1
13A259-13xxxxExtension Tube, Mechanical Lock1
14A259-14-xxxNose, Mechanical Lock1
15A259-15-xxxNose Bearing, Mechanical Lock1
16A259-16-xxxExtension Tube Cap, Mechanical Lock1
17D600-xx-xxxClevis Pin1
18D660-12480.188″ x 1.500″ Cotter Pin1
19HB-0691/8″ NPT x 1/4″ JIC Short Elbow, SS1
20HC-074Air Valve Ass’y w/ Cap, -6 through -301
20HC-074-01Air Valve Ass’y w/ Cap, -40 & up1
21HC-16210-32 x 1/4″ Cup Point Socket Set Screw SS1
22HI-0xxRod Seal1*
24HK-x-xxxO-Ring Backup2*
25HM-0xxPiston Seal1*
26HN-0xxRod Wiper1*
* Included in A250-CSK-xxx Seal Kits, above.
** Seal Kits for A260 Cylinders are the same as for A250 Cylinders.